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ذكرت صحيفة "فاينانشيال تايمز" البري

ذكرت صحيفة "فاينانشيال تايمز" البريطانية اليوم السبت أن إحصاءات صادمة لارتفاع معدلات الجريمة عقب ثورة 25 يناير، حصلت عليها من وزارة الداخلية المصرية.
وأظهرت الأرقام تضاعف حالات الخطف بهدف الحصول على فدية والسطو المسلح وسرقة المنازل، إضافة إلى سرقة السيارات وجرائم القتل.
وتساءلت فاينانشيال تايمز عن كيفية وصول مستويات الجريمة إلى هذا الحد بعد ثورة على نظام الرئيس حسني مبارك صنفه المصريون بالفاسد.
وتظهر الأرقام أن معدلات الخطف بدافع الحصول على فدية ارتفعت حوالي 4 مرات، من 107 حالات سجلت قبل الثورة إلى 400 حالة بعد ثورة يناير، بل وانتشرت تلك الحوادث من المناطق النائية إلى كافة بقاع مصر.
كما تصاعدت سرقات المنازل، وهي مشكلة قديمة حديثة في مصر، من قرابة 7 آلاف حالة إلى أكثر من 11 ألفا.
وتضاعف السطو المسلح 12 مرة، من 233 حالة عام 2010 إلى قرابة 3 آلاف حالة سطو عام 2012.
وارتفعت حالات سرقة السيارات في مصر حوالي 4 أضعاف، من قرابة 5 آلاف سرقة إلى أكثر من 21 ألف حالة عام 2012.
ووصلت حالات القتل، لأسباب متعددة وما يتبعها من خطر على المصريين، إلى أكثر من ألفي حالة سنويا، بما في ذلك الضحايا الذين سقطوا في التظاهرات، بعد أن كانت تلك الأرقام لا تزيد عن ألف حالة سنويا قبل الثورة.
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ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 1: [สำเนา]

The newspaper "Financial Times" on Saturday that the British shocking statistics for rising crime rates after the revolution of January 25, obtained from the Egyptian Interior Ministry.
The figures showed doubling of the incidence of kidnapping in order to obtain a ransom, armed robbery and theft of homes, as well as car theft and murder.
The Financial Times wondered about how the arrival of crime levels to this point after the revolt against the regime of President Hosni Mubarak Rate Egyptians Bafassd.
The figures show that the rates of kidnappings for ransom motivated rose about 4 times, from 107 cases recorded before the revolution to 400 cases after the January revolution, but such incidents spread from outlying areas to all parts of Egypt.
Also escalated thefts homes, an old problem in modern Egypt, from nearly 7 thousand cases to more than 11 thousand.
Armed robbery doubled 12 times, from 233 cases in 2010 to nearly 3 thousand cases of robbery in 2012.
And auto theft cases rose in Egypt about 4-fold, from about 5 thousands of stealing more than 21 thousand cases in 2012.
The killings reached, for various reasons, and the subsequent risk of the Egyptians, to more than two thousand cases a year, including the victims who were killed in the demonstrations, after those figures were not more than a thousand cases a year before the revolution.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 2:[สำเนา]

Newspaper "financial times" Saturday that the shocking statistics of high crime rates following the revolution, obtained from the Egyptian Interior Ministry.
The figures showed increased cases of kidnapping for ransom, armed robbery, burglary, car theft and murder.
She asked the financial times about how crime levels to access this limit after the revolution to President Hosni Mubarak's regime deemed corrupt by the Egyptians.
Figures show that rates of kidnappings motivated by ransom rose about 4 times, 107 cases registered before the revolution to 400 after the revolution of July, but such incidents have spread from remote areas to all parts of Egypt.
Escalated housebreakings, which is an old problem in Egypt, from nearly 7,000 to more than 11,000.
Armed robbery increased 12 times, from 233 in 2010 to nearly 3,000 State robbery in 2012.
And the incidence of car theft in Egypt about 4 times, from about 5,000 to steal more than 21,000 cases in 2012.
And homicides, for various reasons and its danger to the Egyptians, more than 2,000 cases a year, including victims of the protests, after those numbers were no more than a thousand cases a year before the revolution.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
ผลลัพธ์ (อังกฤษ) 3:[สำเนา]

newspaper "Financial Times" on Saturday that British statistics shocking high crime rates after a revolution January 25, obtained by the Egyptian Ministry of Interior.
The figures doubled kidnapping cases with a view to obtaining a ransom, robbery and theft houses, in addition to the car theft and killings.
She Financial Times on how to access levels of crime to this limit after the revolution on the regime of President Hosni Mubarak he classified corrupt, Egyptians.
The figures showed that the rates of kidnapping for ransom motivated rose about 4 times, from 107 cases were recorded before the revolution to 400 cases after the revolution January, but spread those incidents from remote areas to all parts of Egypt.
Also escalated Housebreakings, modern and old problem in Egypt, of about 7 thousand to more than 11 thousand.
doubled armed robbery 12 once again, from 233 CASES IN 2010 to about 3 thousands of cases of robbery 2012.
Rising cases of theft of vehicles in Egypt about 4 times, from about 5 thousands of theft to more than 21 thousand cases of 2012.
The cases of murder, multiple reasons and followed by the risk of the Egyptians, to more than 2,000 cases per year, including the victims, who were killed in the demonstrations, after those figures do not more than a year before the revolution.
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..
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