The patients in both groups received stretching exercises
and infrared radiation to control pain and eliminate
the causal role of muscle spasms and/or tightness
in changing the magnitude of lumbar lordotic
curve. During the infrared application, the patients
were asked to adopt prone position where the area
to be treated (the low back) was adequately exposed.
The lamp was positioned at distance ranged from (50–
75 cm). The radiation strikes the surface at or near right
angle to achieve maximum penetration. The duration
of application was fifteen minutes per session 3 times a
week for 10 weeks [14]. Stretching exercises were performed
for the erector spinae muscles and hamstring
muscles. Each movement was held for 30 seconds, and
each exercise was repeated 3 times. The stretching program
was performed 3 times a week for 10 weeks [15].