التلمود عبارة عن تفسير الحاخامات للشريعة المكتوبة (التوراة). ويخلع التلمود القداسة على نفسه من منطلق أنَّ الشريعة الشفوية لا تقل في منـزلتها عن الشريعة المكتوبة
The Talmud is the interpretation of the written law, rabbis (the Torah). And off the Talmud Holiness upon himself on the basis that the oral law no less than in the isolation of the written law
The Talmud is the interpretation of the rabbis of the law written (Torah). The Talmud takes off his holiness himself from the premise that the law interpretation of not less than about its status in the written law
The words on the interpretation of the rabbis to written law (Torah). The Talmud Wykhl holiness. From the point of view that the oral law in Mnzltha not less than written law